Ellis and The Hidden Cave by Aryeh and Cerece Rennie Murphy

An Ancient Civilization
An Underwater World
And A New Quest for the StoneKeeper!


Ellis, Toro and Freddye are at it again in the 2nd book in the Ellis Monroe Series Early Reader Chapter Book! Join them as they explore a hidden world, face more nasty Bugabols and discover that there are many kinds of superpowers!   Ellis and The Hidden Cave is book 2.  Ellis and the Magic Mirror is book 1 in the early reader series.

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About the Collaborators

Aryeh is a very curious boy and Cerece is his Mommy. “We dedicate this book to boys and girls everywhere who still like lots of pictures when reading all those words.”

Greg is an enthusiastic artist who loves a good story to draw. “I dedicate this book to all my nephews and nieces. If this doesn’t make me the coolest uncle, I don’t know what will.”

Carol is a lifelong book enthusiast who loves helping create new stories for the next generation of children. Carol dedicates this book to L and E for introducing her to the world of children’s books.