EDC Creations Services

Author Assistant Services
Let us Implementing Your Vision! We can become your virtual assistants to oversee the implementation of your book launch marketing & publicity plans. Our team will handle the administrative and professional duties for you, while you write the next bestseller.
Small Business Assistants
As a business owner you need strategic support focused on your behind the scenes tasks. Let us manage your social media accounts, monitor your email, schedule speaking events and create a buzz surrounding new product launches.
Business Consultants
Want to launch an online business? We are here to help you plan and execute the creation on your online store or website. Marketing and branding is our specialty, let us walk you through the dream process to opening day with phone coaching.
Shout Out Your Business
EDC Creations offers affordable packages for authors, business owners and community leaders to share their events, products and services with today's online consumers. Check out our packages today!

Partner with EDC Creations Media Group

Spread the Word…Your Book is Out!

Different authors publish for different reasons. For some, their goal is to be recognized as an expert in their field, using a book as a supplement.

Others publish books to motivate people with their inspirational message, impacting lives. Others publish simply to entertain or to share their take on current affairs. But when all is said and done, in order to achieve their personal goals, authors need to generate book sales.

EDC Creations and its partners are proud to provide authors with the most comprehensive selection of Web 3.0 marketing and promotion services in the industry today. Below, you will find the various programs and services that we have put together to help you create a buzz and ultimately generate demand for your book.

Work with Ella's Team

Virtual Authors Assistant Services
• Blogs and Podcast Management • Internet Marketing Management • Social Media Networking Management
Marketing Support
• Brand development coaching • Publicity plan creation • Set up virtual book& radio tours 
Online/Social Media Services
• Social media training • Monitoring website traffic • Social Media profile setup & maintenance
Brand Development
Website Design
Small Business Consulting

Published Authors


Books Promoted


Radio & Magazine Interviews


Radio & Live Events


Reserve Your Spot Today!

Ask Ella Coaching Fees
Email Address
Mobile Number

Ask Ella Coaching

Do you have questions about starting a new business, social networking, creating a marketing budget or plan, or questions on how to self-publish your book successfully? ASK ELLA!  

Write down 5-10 questions and let Ella help you develop the answers that can get your book promotions jump started!   Each ASK ELLA  coaching session is recorded and emailed to the client for future use.

In addition, you will receive email reference tools, with each ASK ELLA  Coaching Session, which contain exercises and reference articles that you will use to enhance your day-to-day book-promotion activities. We will communicate with you for 48 hours, to make sure you are still on course.  

Select the length of time you would like to hangout with Ella, make the payment and email Ella D. Curry to confirm the session at this email address ONLY: elladcurry@edc-creations.com.  Ella D. Curry will contact you via email to start the session. 

Crown Holders Transmedia Group

Ella D. Curry, President
Voicemail: (301) 892-6573
Calls Returned Within 48 Hours

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