Crown Holder Treasure Boxes
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Brought to you by EDC Creations Media Group

Crown Holder Treasure Boxes are book-of-the-month subscription boxes geared toward sharing independently published books as well as commercially published titles with readers who lack access to bookstores or other means of purchasing new books. We are here to introduce readers to authors they might not be aware of and to provide the reader with various genres of published titles.

We partnered with small press publishers, book wholesalers and major publishing imprints to bring our readers incredible books before they hit the shelves, out-of-print core books and books to fill your collection with the classics. We also offer digital selections too!

For those ordering the KID ZONE box, we aim to send your child books written by authors you may not know about yet, but should!  Our selection of children books is phenomenal.  Not just any children's books, but those that depict the diversity in children literature. We cater to our African American kids and the writers that represent them as well.

Sign up here today:


Cilla’s Book Maniacs
Long Business Description

Priscilla C. Johnson, aka ‘Cilla, is the founder of Cilla’s Book Maniacs. Cilla developed a love of reading and books during childhood where she would spend hours in the library waiting for her mother and her brothers while they were practicing sports.

Having befriended the owners of a local AA Book store in 1999, Cilla began working there part-time just to be close to the books. It was at this time that she began building relationships with her favorite authors, scheduling book events and books signings. Cilla joined Beverly Jenkins’ Yahoo Group where she developed friendships with the women and they began traveling together to various book events.  In 2015, Cilla began PCJ Consultant Group, LLC where she helps aspiring authors achieve their dreams of getting published, organize and build street teams, and introducing authors to new readers and book clubs.

Cilla’s Book Maniacs’ main purpose is to simply share our love of books, encourage and support each other and have fun. We travel together to various conferences, particularly the Romance Slam Jam Conference, where we have been named 2015 and 2016 Spirit Book Club of the Year.

BPM: How do you find new authors and interact online? 

We find new authors at events and conferences. When we find or come across someone we think everyone will enjoy, we simple post the author and book in the group or we will post the review. Social media has introduced us to alot of authors we would not ordinarily chose to read. Current author favorites: Keith Thomas Walker, Eva J Brock, Beverly Jenkins, Brenda Jackson, all of our Club Authors (they know who they are ).

BPM: Do you have any words of wisdom for other readers who might want to start a book club? 

Find a group of people that you like and enjoy to be with or have similar interest. Keep everything fun – leave the personal stuff outside. Remember – every book is not for everybody and its okay to not like a book.


Orsayor L. Simmons – Book Referees Founder
Long Business Description

Orsayor L. Simmons is the founder of Book Referees. Book Referees spotlights/reviews/promote all genres in the literary world. She is the recipient of the 2013 Top 25 Literary Leader Award and 2014 Top 25 Literary Leader Award (presented by Ella Curry) and 2015 AAMBC Blogger of the Year.

Book Referees are here to serve the literary community by being committed to getting word out about the importance of reading, the importance of reviewing, and importance of supporting authors.

Book Referees was formed to get my book loving friends to read, review and to spread the word out about their favorite books, but now it seems to have taken on a life of its own. I'm now spreading the word through my blog, interviewing authors and getting books in the hands of celebrities. The blog continues to grow, so now I have added reviewers to my team. When readers log on to my blog they are able to read reviews from different perspectives. Because when it boils down to it - it's about the BOOKS!  Books are the common denominator to bringing us together.

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