Maxine Listens by Dr. Lynda Mubarak

Maxine Listens by Dr. Lynda Mubarak (Book II, Detective Maxine Hill Series)

Maxine Hill is an inquisitive fourth grade student who loves to read, work crossword puzzles, visit her best friend, Amanda Grayson, and play with her cat, Amos.


Young Detective Maxine Hill is always busy performing community service, investigating issues, and exploring future careers. However, Maxine is facing a special challenge this year. This time it’s very personal. Follow our little problem solver as she finds a solution for a unique situation. Detective Maxine Hill is on the case again and she’s on the way back!  If you enjoyed Maxine’s New Job, you will like Book II of the series; Maxine Listens.


The Stations for Kids Book Series is a collection of stories emphasizing early childhood literacy, human compassion, and community service. Each story can be used as a classroom supplement to teach social skills, personal and civic responsibility, and encourage career exploration. The characters are family members who find themselves facing everyday life challenges, but they find ways to address, solve or cope with each situation.

Dr. Lynda believes that social skills and community service are an integral part of early childhood education. In addition, these two components are essential in creating a balanced child who understands that he or she is part of a global community.


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Stations for Kids Books:



Maxine’s New Job by Dr. Lynda J. Mubarak

Listen to a reading from the book:


Maxine Listens by Lynda Jones Mubarak 

Listen to a reading from the book:


Shorty and The Sullivans by Lynda Jones Mubarak 

Listen to a reading from the book:


Carver Park by Lynda Jones Mubarak

Listen to a reading from the book:

 is dedicated to early literacy and community service. The best way to ensure your child’s personal and career success is to begin the learning process as soon as possible. Academic success is always necessary, but your child also needs to see how he or she fits into the world community. A combination of community service and applicable educational concepts will give your child a balanced view of the world.

All of the books are available on Kindle and in print as paperback & hardcover.

All STATIONS FOR KIDS books are available at Amazon:

All STATIONS FOR KIDS books are available at Barnes & Noble: