Family Is Not Everything by Anita Washington
Family Is Not Everything: How To Minimize Their Mess, Maximize Your Happiness and Enjoy Emotional Baggage Breakthroughs by Anita Washington. Listen to a reading from the book:
Family Is Not Everything: How To Minimize Their Mess, Maximize Your Happiness and Enjoy Emotional Baggage Breakthroughs by Anita Washington
7 Simple Steps to Create A Life You’ll Absolutely Love Living!
Are people constantly dumping their negative energy on you? Do you find yourself bombarded with negative thoughts? What if with seven simple steps you could minimize their mess and maximize your happiness? Interested? Read on…
Author Anita Washington survived a homicidal alcoholic father, a neglectful mother, and an emotionally and physically abusive brother to create a life of purpose and joy.
In Family is Not Everything she shares stories you can relate to and the steps to help you finally breakthrough what is keep you stuck, so you can revise, reinvent and thrive!
This book is for you if you:
- Are bombarded with negative thoughts
- Talk yourself out of trying new things
- Have low self-esteem and low self-confidence
- Are an overachiever in one area of your life but struggle in other areas
- Are tired of people constantly dumping their negative energy on you
- Feel like your life lacks purpose and meaning
Let’s face it. Carrying around emotional baggage for decades is hard work. It sucks! Anita knows this all too well. Her dysfunctional upbringing morphed into a broken and debilitated young woman who, as you’ll find out, made plenty of life-altering mistakes.
You’ll be moved by the vivid and transparent personal stories of violent abuse and realize that you are not alone. The author shares how she learned how to lose her emotional baggage and break the cycle of despair. Anita believes that your past doesn’t define your destiny and shouldn’t stop you from living your best life now!
Family is Not Everything offers a proven simple 7-Step Method to minimize the mess of your past and maximize your happiness – starting today. The process involves seven sequential steps that have helped countless women rise above the glass ceiling to reach higher levels of success and happiness in life. And it can work for you too!
The 7 steps are:
1. Life Mapping
2. Track and Trace Your Life
3. Dispose of Distractions
4. Celebrating Self
5. Inner peace and quiet
6. Emotional Equation
7. Letters of Gratitude
As you do the affirmations, results-driven techniques, and actionable activities of the 7-Step Methodyou’ll begin to release your emotional baggage and create a life you will absolutely love living. After reading this book you will:
- Be equipped to boldly go beyond your comfort zone
- Have the tools to refresh, reinvent, and revise your life for the better
- Know how to transform negative thinking into positive thinking
- Learn how to release fear and get out of survival mode
- Be empowered to do more for yourself and demand even more from others
- Experience success in every area of your life
Isn’t it time to change your self-sabotaging behavior, defy your limiting beliefs, and create a life of abundant joy? Click on Amazon’s “Look Inside” feature to begin reading and access the six free downloadable resources to help with your journey of transformation and empowerment.