You may find something that piques your interest and you may not. Either way, you are welcome to travel the path of questions, concepts, and random thoughts my scientific brain creates.
Books are the very stuff of human civilization and it seems almost improper to be in a position of not sharing insights I have obtained from them. Yes, there are those for whom books are mere items for collection. For me, it is so much more. It is a way of escape. Being able to secretly slip into a magical, sacrosanct work of fiction is sheer bliss. Moreover, it became the release of my ever stressed and fretful soul into distant places. Books, digital or physical, are a talisman for my psyche.
The Literary Apothecary blog started out as a requirement to read ARCs. But, it has become my online journal, traipsing through my thoughts and stamping the blogosphere with its footprint.
You may find something that piques your interest and you may not. Either way, you are welcome to travel the path of questions, concepts, and random thoughts my scientific brain creates.
Pro-blogger Erica Watkins is from Maryland, where she spends time with her loving husband, awesome son, and four rambunctious four-legged friends. She blogs about books and frequently hides books in the Little Library's around town for children and adults. She dreams of becoming a Book Riot contributor, where she would bring attention to black authors. Blog address: www.theliteraryapothecary.