My name is Tannie Lewis Bradley, I'm a member of Sistahs BookClubbing in Shreveport, LA. There are 25 active members. Our book club meets the first Saturday of every month to discuss the book of the month. On occasion, authors of the books have joined our discussion by phone.
Sistahs BookClubbing organized Shreveport’s first citywide read, “One Book One City: Shreveport on the Same Page” in 2005. I was a member of the Northwest Louisiana Management Team for the 2009 “The Big Read,” an initiative of the NEA, designed to restore reading to the center of American culture and bring together partners across the country to encourage reading for pleasure and enlightenment.
In response to the need for hair care products for African American service women deployed in Afghanistan, Kuwait and Ships at Sea, our book club organized and implemented Shreveport’s first Sister Soldier Packing Party. A total of 452 hair care packages were packed and shipped from 2009 thru 2012 when President Obama brought the troops home.
I was named 2015 Book Lover of the Year by The Shreveport Times.
Please visit our website: